Saturday, February 27, 2010

Finally an update!

By now you may have given up on ever reading an update. I'm so sorry. Well, Hello from South Africa! I am doing very well and enjoying my time here. I am relaxing this weekend after another week of teaching first grade.

Let me tell you a little about my students. I have seven adorable children in my class, six girls and one boy. Yes, I feel sorry for him. :) Their names are Papi, Chuma, Sipho, Prudence, Vula, Mpho, and Joyce. They are amazing children and are progressing and adjusting very well to their first year of school. Papi and Vula really struggle with English so they present many challenges, but I have seen so much progress in them already. Several of the students are such strong leaders that it presents many interesting situations. During break times, the grade one class many times leads children in the upper learning center in deciding what to play and so forth. It's actually hilarious to watch. God daily gives strength and wisdom in dealing with their many personalities, culture, and learning issues. Thank-you for your prayers. They are very much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update :)I'll be sure to let the Grahams know how you're doing (they love to keep updated). Stay encouraged! :)
